Sunday, September 26, 2010

Character Biography - Iris (unknown Engish name)

Iris is a new character to the Pokemon Best Wishes Saga.  She looks to be the other main character besides Ash in this one.  As her partner, she has a Kibago, a Dragon type Pokemon. Not much is known about her at this time as we have a few more weeks to go before we see Best Wishes in America.

Character Biography - Ash Ketchum

I have decided to do a my first character biography on Ash, the main character of all Pokemon seasons.  In this post I have created, I wanted to share Ash's first catch in the Isshu region. A Mamepato, or the bird Pokemon.  As always Ash catches a Flying type Pokemon to use during special events. Mostly we see his flying types sent out to find a Pokemon Team Rocket has stolen.

As for Ash's current team in the Pokemon Sinnoh League Victors saga, he has still:
Pikachu, Torterra, Infernape, Starapter, Buizel, and Gible.
Credits go to Bulbapedia and Google for the image.


Looks like Ash has continued to catch starter Pokemon as he has now caught a Mijamura the water starter. Weelllll he didn't catch it as it followed him from the Isshu regions Pokemon Laboratory.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pokemon Sinnoh League Victors: Episode 18 Opposites Attract!

Just like I said, I have updated Saturday's Pokemon episode Opposites Attract! This is my first blog post about an episode so bare with me.  This episode is the continuation of the Grand Festival.  Dawn is up against one of her rivals Ursula, and its a good one! Ursula pulls out her Flareon as seen in the last episode, and her Gabite to battle Dawns Mamoswine and Pachirisu. Urlula sticks to beating Dawn up to the last minute of the battle.  Dawn uses her Ice Electric move to take out Ursulas Gabite and Flareon, and the battle ends! Dawn has beaten Ursula and moved on, but in other battles Zoey, Jessie, and Nando moved on as well.  I got a kick out of Jessies photo not selling, but she thinks it will if she puts her signature on it LOL. So, I know I am probably talking to myself right now, but if there is anyone out there that sees this and wants to add a comment about the episode, GO AHEAD! Please thats why this blog was created!  Below is a link to the official website for the episode.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The new Poke' TV Blog

Thank you for looking at this blog. Its not much now, but I plan on doing a lot to it. This blog is about the Pokemon anime. I will be writing about the new airings of Pokemon Sinnoh League Victors.  I would like to get your comments on the latest episode, and other things like.... this should have been this, or I wish this... Those are the types of conversations I would like to have on this blog.  I will try to post pictures as a go along as well.  So please be patient as I am just getting things up, and I hope we have a great time blogging about some Pokemon!